
Showing posts from July, 2018

What I Really Think

No one will read this, so I'm just venting. I'm tired of the happy front we have to put out there in social media land. It's not me (most of the time). Instead, this is me-- the realist who hasn't seen things work out the way she wants. I've had a dream to be a published author since I was 11 years old. Life went by, and granted, I wasted a lot of it. But since 1995, I've been writing and attending writer's conferences and taking writer's courses and submitting my work. To date, I have four published articles and one SELF-published book. And we all know in the writing industry a self-published book is just another way of saying, "No one wanted this book so I published it myself." In other words, the publishing world saw no value in it, but I put it out there anyway. It's kind of sad, like a cry for help or something. A "look at me!" So, that's 23 years I've been at this with only four things published by someone else.